Friday, 17 October 2014

When in Doubt, Dance!

credit: Ken Heyman

Earlier today, I was trying to get some work done while Noah, my 9 month old son, played with his toys. At one point, he crawled over to the couch where I sat, and tried to take my laptop. Of course, I was focused and my ideas were rolling, so my first reaction was to impulsively take it away forcefully and glare at him. He began to cry and immediately I realized what I had taught him--how to prioritize and be possessive of our belongings.

To rectify the situation, I hugged him and apologized, then proceeded to dance with him to some funky calypso music that played in the background. When I tried to have him dance in a standing position, he decided to sit down and start playing with his toys instead--probably because of my horrible dancing skills, but anyway.

Although the situation seems irrelevant in the grander scheme of things, it was still a lesson that could have turned out negatively, one taught by example. And all these little lessons are compounded into the one major example that our children adopt through time. Everyone is busy, and I know we won't always catch ourselves behaving irrationally, but when we do, remember that it may only take a minute worth your time to turn a potentially negative situation into a fond memory.

Soon thereafter, he came over to me once again. This time, I simply put the laptop aside, sat down with him and offered my breast to which he fed. As he went back to his toys, and I to my work, he began bopping to the music. I smiled and then continued to work.

Now, speaking of dancing, enjoy this hilariously cute video of a father and daughter passing time.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Introducing The AP Mom

Have you ever wondered whether or not things would get better, if they would just ease up, or if life could simply just calm down for one minute? 

Being a mom or dad is not easy. Being an attachment parenting mom or dad can feel even more daunting simply because there is much less support in our close-knit communities for the choices we make and AP moms and dads can demand more of themselves by being... well, attached. It is a lonely venture but rewarding all the same. Of course, I am speaking from my own experience as both an AP mom and a student, as well as living away from my partner during the week. Point is, I'm a little biased, but who isn't? 

My hope with this blog is to give you that much needed and much deserved support. I will be telling you about my experiences as an AP mom, as well as give advice on all things AP (and more,) such as breastfeeding, cosleeping/bedsharing, cloth diapering, babywearing, gentle parenting, simplifying your life, baby-led weaning (BLW,) and perhaps even some of my experiences with pregnancy and labour (albeit not very AP friendly, it may be a good venue to explore how one transitions to AP.) As a pre-service teacher, I may also bring out some educational qualities to my blog, especially if they relate to the environment and forest schools. This mama loves the outdoors!

Before I get too ahead of myself, though, I'd like to end here and simply wish you the best and hope you will find love and support all around you. I may not be able to physically be a part of your lives, but perhaps I can help lift you up with pure honesty and compassion.

All the way from Canada,